Frequently Asked Questions - Base Honor Guard

Is the Base Honor Guard Arc authorized on the lightweight blue jacket?
Yes, As long as you’re wearing the Honor Guard uniform and not regular blues.

How do I request a student slot for the Honor Guard In-Residence or Mobile Training Team Course?
BHG Program Manager will submit those training numbers (quotas) to their respective MAJCOM POC. Once all MAJCOM numbers are collected and submitted to USAF Honor Guard Trng Manager, The USAF Honor Guard BHG Training Program staff will build the fiscal year schedule. That schedule will be published via the BHG CoP and thru the MAJCOM POCs. Bases selected to host trips will be contacted with preparation details.

Where can I find the Army/Navy/Marines Honor Guard POC for my area?
All Branches POC is listed by county and states in the Military Funeral Honors webpage and Funeral Honors Database—both webpage’s are linked to the AFMAO webpage.

Who is eligible to receive a flag and flag case from the Honor Guard providing military funeral honors for Active Duty Deaths?
The Duncan National Defense Authorization Act of FY 09 increased the authorized flag recipients. Flags and Flags Cases will be presented to Spouse/Each Child/Parents (one if married two if divorced)/PADD if not one of the persons already named). The Policy letter is located under Flag and Flag cases section on AFMAO webpage.